· Title: Autumn
· Dimensions: 150 x 150 cm
· Material: Real copper disc on various granulated hard coal
· Year: 2023
The circular shape of the discs evokes multiple symbolisms. It not only represents the cyclical nature of the seasons, but also refers to archaic ideas of the earth as a disc. This formal decision gives the work a mythological dimension and places it in the context of ancient cosmologies.
The artist has not only created a visually impressive object, but has also opened up a space for reflection on the human relationship to the natural world and the perpetual cycle of the seasons.
In summary, it can be said that with "Jahreszeitenglück" Sabine Pierick has created a multivalent work that amalgamates elements of conceptual art, land art and traditional metallurgy. It presents itself simultaneously as a homage to nature, as a meditation on temporality and transformation, and as a fascinating example of the aesthetics that can emerge from the symbiosis of art and nature. The artist has not only created a visually impressive object, but has also opened up a space for reflection on the human relationship to the natural world and the perpetual cycle of the seasons.