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JWM Museum Westphalia

The dignity of every human is inviolable

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Dignity of perception


As a copper inlay in a charcoal background broken a thousand times into countless shimmering stones, the ancient symbol of intertwining triangles shines golden towards the viewer. A gathering of souls of a special kind manifests itself in the large-format panel painting when one listens to Sabine Pierick's thoughts on her work. From the depths of existence, the dead and the living penetrate the picture surface, stone by stone, bone by bone, breathing, exhaled, submerged, resurrected, living, pulsating, passing on....


Never-ending flow of life, embraced by the black gold in the heat and energy-storing element copper, sediment upon sediment, moving surfaces, quiet grounds, shift work on a human task. Death and resurrection, warning and encouragement, thesis, antithesis, synthesis, embrace in showing attitude: stand up, don't go along with it, listen to the quiet tones, look closely, question, take nothing for granted, don't let yourself be blinded, not even by the most beautiful symbol.


Sabine Pierick's Star of David reminds us to stay awake. Her approach is ruthless perception.


                                                                                This does not exclude beauty.

Photographic reproductions cannot do justice to Sabine Pierick's work. The image needs to be viewed up close to unfold its magic. The copper six-pointed star shines with varying intensity and color depending on the viewing angle and lighting against a background of countless shimmering fragments.

She is also fascinated by the elements as building materials of life. The artist can still feel the energy that was used to obtain the raw materials during the processing, even if their form changes fundamentally. Her work appears archaic, through physical transformation. The works charged with this energy captivate you precisely because of their materiality and protrude into the room like sculptures.

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